Varilux XR Pro
Our best ever varifocal lensesSee clearly at all distances
You’re drinking coffee while texting the kids, sending an email via your tablet on the train or checking your social news feed while out walking – does that sound familiar? Much of what matters today happens within arm’s reach and if you struggle with near vision as well as distance, you’ve probably considered varifocal spectacles.
Call us on 01756 792933 to book an appointment and experience Varilux XR Pro for yourself.
Bespoke Progressive Lenses
Varilux XR Pro bespoke lenses are designed exclusively for you and your world.
Excellent distance vision
Excellent intermediate vision for looking at your computer
Widest reading zone for tablet, phone and reading a book
Personalised to you through our UNIQUE Eyecode measures with Visioffice - the latest personal optical measuring system
Best Ever Varifocals
With our modern behaviours, your posture and the way you look at things nearby have changed – traditional varifocals needed to improve. That is why Benjamin Opticians introduce their best-ever varifocal lens. A bespoke lens which reduces head movement when looking close-up, gives very little distortion for distance and ensures your vision is as natural as possible for everyday activities within arm’s reach and beyond.
To get the right measurements exclusive to your eyes and chosen frames, Benjamin’s new interactive system tailors your lenses to you, your posture, your frame and your visual behaviour, giving you flawless clarity at all distances
To get the right measurements exclusive to your eyes and chosen frames, Benjamin’s new interactive system tailors your lenses to you, your posture, your frame and your visual behaviour, giving you flawless clarity at all distances
Here’s what one of our patients experienced with his new Varilux lenses
Dean Majors experiences varifocals for the first time
Bespoke Measuring
We take bespoke measurements using Visioffice our new super intelligent measuring system. This takes your personal eye and movement measurements using the new frame you have chosen, so when your lenses are made they are unique to both your characteristics, prescription and the frame too.
Visioffice technology
Near Visual Behaviour Analysis
Eye Dominance test
Eyecode - unique to you for your chosen frame and prescription
Call us to book an appointment and experience the best ever varifocals, Varilux XR Pro for yourself.
Varilux X Series. The Number 1 Progressive lens in the world.