Find out about Charles Bonnet Syndrome – a recognised medical condition – not a mental illness.

Do you relate to the current story in #CoronationStreet where Jonny Connor is having hallucinations? Maybe you have diminishing sight and see images which could not possibly be there. If so, you may have developed Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS).

This is a natural and very common condition which causes people of any age, including children too who have lost over 60% of sight, to experience vivid, silent, visual hallucinations. These can range from disturbing to terrifying. It is NOT a mental health condition.

On the Street, the character Johnny Connor, played by actor Richard Hawley, has worked very closely with charity Esme’s Umbrella to help with their research. Read more here and if you have any worries, please contact one of our opticians for advice.

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash