Ortho-K is the short name for Orthokeratology - the science behind the contact lenses you wear overnight to see clearly all day without contact lenses or spectacles.
Introducing Eye Dream
Eyedream is the brand name for speciality contact lenses you wear during the night. Whilst you sleep they temporarily reshape the cornea so when you wake up and remove the lenses you are free of spectacles and contact lenses all day. This treatment is known as Orthokeratology, or Ortho K for short. It is a safe and temporary alternative to Laser surgery. For active people it frees up your daytime vision to play sport, swim, cycle, shoot, play golf or carry out your work – unhindered by spectacles or contact lenses.
Ortho K is a practice which has been developed for some years now. Advances in computer technology and a better understanding of corneal reshaping means that the effects of Ortho K are much improved, giving excellent results.
Eleanor Hill – our Contact Lens Expert
“Ortho K involves the wearing specially made contact lenses at night which gently flatten the cornea as you sleep. Removing them in the morning you have perfect vision all day long, without lenses or spectacles.
We analyse the patients cornea and produce a map of the corneal surface. These 3D images are sent directly to the lab to be made into bespoke contact lenses. Within hours of wearing them, the cornea has reshaped to bring everything back into focus. They are just as comfortable to wear as other contact lenses.
Ortho-K means a new lease of life for many myopic children (and adults). Freedom for sport, swimming and other pursuits, which is usually hampered by spectacles or contact lenses, is a great boost to self-confidence. Additionally, Ortho-K may have lasting benefits for children, as a series of international studies are showing the long-term benefits of the treatment. With the incidence of short-sightedness having doubled in the UK in the past 50 years there is much interest in the subject. Ortho-k is now being used more widely to slow down the effect of myopia leading to permanent life changing results”
Ortho-K – your questions answered
How good is Ortho K?
Near perfect vision can be achieved in patients with a current prescription of up to -5.00. It only works for short sighted patients. We have an almost 100% success rate at Benjamin’s with every patient very happy with the results. Our only non-success has been with patients who struggled with contact lenses generally (due to young age).
What if I have Presbyopia?
We are able to fit your non-dominant eye with a reduced correction, so it is under corrected for distance, but makes reading easier. This is the same effect as monovision with standard contact lenses, meaning you can see both near and far.
What if I have a bad night’s sleep or forget to put my lenses in?
The effect can last for up to two or three days, although we recommend you put the lenses back in every night to maintain continued and consistent results. Remember the way Ortho K works is it reshapes the cornea overnight, which then returns to its normal shape over time.
If youngsters wear Ortho K lenses will it stop their myopia getting worse?
Numerous studies on myopia (short-sightedness) and Ortho-k have indicated that these lenses can dramatically slow and even stop, the progression of short-sightedness in children. Subsequently this can reduce the risk of developing associated problems such as glaucoma and retinal detatchment in adulthood.
What if I have astigmatism too?
Specialist Toric Ortho K lenses can correct astigmatism of up to -2.50.
How long does it take to work and how long does the effect last?
It works immediately so you will see the benefit after the first night of wear although it can take up to seven nights for the full benefits to be appreciated. This depends on your prescription.
How young can a patient be?
We have treated children as young as seven who are now enjoying the benefits. It is also important to note that in children, Ortho K is known to slow down the effects of early onset Myopia – a real benefit to youngsters. Young age is not an issue so long as the child can handle and care for their lenses properly or a parent is on hand to look after them whilst inserting and removing.
What if I have got dry eye – can I still wear Ortho K lenses?
Yes, Ortho K lenses are absolutely fine for dry eye sufferers. The lenses do not interfere with the normal tear film and allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea, making them comfortable to wear overnight. It also means your eyes are free from lenses during the day so the effects of dry eye are less uncomfortable. This does depend on the severity of your dry eye.
No more specs or contact lenses in the daytime!
Skipton sisters, Hana nine, and seven year old Selena Mahmood, have stopped wearing their glasses and are correcting their vision as they sleep with this fully reversible, non-surgical treatment. The girls wear specially made contact lenses at night which gently flatten the cornea as they sleep. Removing them in the morning they have near perfect vision all day long, without lenses or spectacles.
Hana and Selena have thrown themselves into sport since starting to use Ortho-k, confident that they don’t have to worry about breaking or losing their glasses. It means a new lease of life and is a great boost to self-confidence.
How much is Ortho-K?
You pay the initial fit fee as with any new contact lens patient which is £160. This fee is only £80 if you are an existing contact lens wearer. Once you are happy, we set you up on a Scheme paying £50 per month, up to £54 if you have the Toric lenses. This includes all aftercare, sight test and discount on solutions and our other products.
I want to give Ortho-K a go – what next?
In the initial consultation your Contact Lens Optician will talk you through all the options and how it works. As with any other lenses you start with a trial – if it doesn’t work for you we can always look at something else. The initial assessment is to see whether you are suitable for Ortho K. To start with, measurements are taken using a special machine called a Topographer, which uses light to accurately measure the shape of your cornea. These measurements are then sent away to our lab where lenses specifically made for you are produced, usually within a week.
We then ask you back for a fitting appointment, where we check they are right for you and teach you how to handle, insert, remove and care for your lenses. You then come back in the morning after your first wear followed by just two or three more appointments to check all is good. After that, we need see you only every six months, as with any other contact lens patient.
A keen surfer, this young man can see clearly out at sea now without wearing lenses, glasses, goggles or having laser surgery. His prescription had deteriorated to -4.50 dioptres in four years and he was needing spectacles with greater powers. Thanks to Ortho-k there has been a tremendous difference to his life with good vision all day long.“Joshua has just completed his life saving course, and much is due to Ortho-k. These lenses have made a tremendous difference to his life. We are all amazed by it. Within the first week his eyesight had improved beyond belief and now he has 20 20 vision.”
Joshua’s Dad